Wednesday, February 10, 2010

what's all this?

Huh!!How do i say it? sob..sob..sob..kenapa tibe2 kena jadi macam ni, kenapa? Kenapa terlalu susah untuk aku dapatkan apa yang aku nak? Kenapa aku kena lalui benda2 ni semua? Kenapa tak boleh bagi aku some space n time to think all this things?? Kenapa aku kena buat keputusan dengan melukakan hati orang? I've tried not to be like this, but i can't. Sorry. :(

Deep down in my heart aku tak nak semua ni terjadi, tapi aku terpaksa. God... I hate myself right now!

Maybe this is God's way of testing me, maybe its His way of testing me before He bestow me with all that i longed for??? ~sign~ The question is AM I TOUGH ENOUGH TO GET THROUGH THIS?????

"Bila Allah cepat makbulkan doamu maka Dia menyayangimu, bila Dia lambat makbulkan doamu, maka Dia ingin mengujimu, bila Dia tidak makbulkan doamu maka Dia merancang sesuatu yang lebih baik untukmu. Kerana kasih sayang Allah itu mendahului kemurkaan Nya"


  1. for whatever it is, don't hate urself. you know yourself a lot better than others sis. chill. ;) -macam ulang ayat akak x? hahaha-
